Americans Moving to The netherlands

Financial Planning and Investing Considerations for Americans Moving to the Netherlands

The Netherlands is one of the most popular destinations for Americans moving to Europe, thanks to its incredible cities, landscapes, history, and culture.

Moving to the Netherlands comes with financial planning and investing challenges though, many of which should ideally be considered before you move, or as soon as possible afterwards. Seeking advice as soon as possible can make a significant difference to your financial situation,

The financial challenges that Americans in the Netherlands face include maintaining and opening US brokerage accounts as an expat, retirement planning, how and where to invest, minimizing currency exchange loss, US and Dutch tax optimization, and international estate planning.

Download our guide below or schedule a consultation.


Our Story

EuroAmerican Financial Advisors is the only independent financial advisory firm specializing in serving Americans in the Netherlands.

We provide investment advice and financial planning services tailored for Americans in the Netherlands. The financial issues faced by Americans in the Netherlands are quite different compared to Americans living within the United States due to cross-border taxation, currency fluctuations, as well as global investment questions.

We are regulated and licensed in the Netherlands, and our advisors are also licensed in the US. We offer Americans in the Netherlands a personalized and optimized service, transparent fees, easy communication, tax efficient investment strategies; and most importantly the peace of mind that comes from dealing with an investment advisory firm that specializes in financial planning in to both the US and the Netherlands.

We’ve created an in-depth guide to the financial planning considerations for Americans moving to the Netherlands​, which you can download below.

EAFA Financial Planning Considerations Guide for Americans moving to the Netherlands

Enter you details below to download our guide to financial planning considerations for Americans moving to (or living in) the Netherlands.

Our Services

Investment Advice

Most firms use model portfolios that don’t take into account your situation as an American in the Netherlands affected by both jurisdictions’ tax and regulatory regimes, and your withdrawal plans or future needs in Euros and/or dollars. Such portfolios also don’t allow the flexibility to adapt depending on the economic cycle, market volatility, or your cash needs.

At EAFA, we build a personalized investment strategy for you as an American in the Netherlands. We work with our partners and utilize expat-compliant investments and brokerage accounts to implement the strategy and make tactical adjustments when necessary. In this way, we ensure that you remain optimally on track to meet your financial goals.

Financial planning

We have the experience and knowledge to manage cross-border portfolios in a tax efficient manner in both the US and the Netherlands while also mitigating risks arising to your wealth or income from dollar/Euro currency movements. We have advisors with both the US Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, and the European Financial Planner (EFP) designation.

At EAFA, our financial planning process encompasses the additional complexities that living as an American expat in the Netherlands entails while maintaining an unwavering focus on your financial goals. We also address non-investment issues such as estate planning, US and Dutch taxation, education planning for children or grandchildren, and retirement considerations.

Retirement planning

Most firms don’t have experience working in both Euros and dollars to minimize costs, currency exposure and taxes in both the Netherlands and the US.

At EAFA, we will create a retirement plan based on your plans and aspirations, that will minimize taxes and currency exposure, and which is globally diversified. We understand that you may want to maximize travel and leisure in the early years of retirement when you are most active, and we will stress test our plans using historical scenarios like the global financial crisis, pandemics, and periods of high and low interest rates, to ensure you are prepared and protected for whatever may come.


We specialize in providing financial planning and investment advice for Americans living in the Netherlands.

We are independent advisors, licensed and regulated in the Netherlands, and regulated US advisors, allowing us to manage and globally diversify your investments in your best interests, not ours. We have the knowledge and experience to minimize your tax exposure in both jurisdictions as well as risks of losses relating to dollar/Euro currency movements.

We take a holistic approach, learning about your current situation, future plans and investment goals. We are expats ourselves, so we fully understand the issues and challenges Americans in the Netherlands face, as well as the peace of mind that comes from trusting your finances to experts, allowing you to relax and enjoy the great adventure of living abroad.

Ready to Plan your Move to the Netherlands ?

Schedule a complementary consultation to discuss your options. We can transfer your existing investments to an expat-compliant US brokerage account without creating a taxable event if necessary.


Schedule a call with us to discuss your circumstances and goals


We’ll follow up with a proposal and address any questions you may have.


When you’re ready, sign our Know Your Client form and advisory agreements online.