EuroAmerican Financial Advisors

US Expatriate Financial Services

Peace of mind...

...wherever life takes you

Leading Financial Advisors for American Expats

At EAFA, we provide, specialist investment advisory and financial planning services for US citizens living in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Greece, Austria and Sweden. Financial issues faced by American expats differ from those of US residents in certain very important respects: Investment account selection and management, regulatory and tax constraints on investment products, estate planning, currency transfers and hedging, as well as global investment diversification, are all important considerations for US citizens living abroad. Most US-based financial advisors do not have expertise in these areas and most European advisors are not familiar with US retirement accounts, tax issues, or financial planning considerations. Contact us today to discuss your personal situation with an advisor who specializes in issues that are important to you.

We offer bespoke investment solutions for high net-worth EU citizens and residents in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Greece, Austria and Sweden seeking professional investment management solutions without lockup periods or surrender charges. We provide investment and fee transparency, access to global investment markets, use of individual stocks, bonds, exchange-traded funds, rather than high-priced mutual funds, and a fiduciary standard of client care.

We provide corporate educational seminars on personal financial issues which impact US-citizens living abroad for firms with expat employees. These seminars cover a variety of expat financial planning issues specific to US citizens such as: Overcoming regulatory and tax constraints on investment portfolios, using tax-compliant reporting brokers, coordinating US retirement accounts with non-US pension accounts, investing in multiple currencies, and many others. Programs are customized for your company and can be delivered remotely or in-person.

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